A review by caseroo7
Be Mine Forever by Kennedy Ryan


Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

Be Mine Forever is the third Bennetts book by Kennedy Ryan, and I was a little apprehensive going into this story. While I was really curious about Jo and Cam, I have to say that I have had moments where I didn't really care for either of them. That was especially true for Cam. While I had felt for him and everything he had been through, I also hated his actions at times. I have to say though that this book was better than I had hoped for, and Cam definitely redeemed himself. While this book probably could be read as a standalone, I would recommend starting at the beginning of this series. I really think that the first two books add so much more to the understanding of the characters and you really get to see more of their history that makes them who they are.

Jo Walsh has loved Cameron Mitchell for most of her life. She has loved him through him pushing her away for years and even through him marrying someone else. After his marriage fell apart and he suffered a horrible loss, Cameron left town in order to find himself again and that meant cutting ties with those that he was closest to. He has turned his life around and has been pursuing a career in the art he has always been passionate about. When he returns home, he knows that he will have to confront Jo. Cameron has always pushed her away, believing that she deserved someone better than him. But when he pushes her away yet again, Jo decides that it is finally time to give up and actually move on. If Cameron wants to be with her then he will have to prove to her that he is willing to go all in. But Cam isn't ready to fully let her in and share the past that he has always hidden from her, and that could be the one thing that makes her run from him.

Cam had so much ground to make up for in this book, and I was so glad that he did. He was better than I was expecting, and it was good to see him not being a complete jerk. He had a horrible childhood and then had suffered a horrible betrayal by those he was closest to. But it was so good to see him finally start to move forward and heal with the help of Jo and those around him. He was always meant to be with Jo, and I was happy that he finally stopped getting in his own way. He deserved to be happy and he was the best thing for Jo because of their history and how much he cared about her. He would do anything for her, and it was clear just how deep his feelings went. Jo had always been sort of an ice queen to me in the first two books. We finally started to see her thaw a bit though, and I couldn't wait to finally get more of her as well. She really opened herself up in this book and I felt like for the first time we really got to see just how vulnerable she was. Jo was proof that even the most well maintained facade can be hiding so much underneath it. She had loved Cam forever, and she would have stood by his side through anything. She was one of the strongest heroines I have ever seen, and I admired her for always knowing her feelings and not being afraid to repeatedly put herself out there. She never gave up on Cam, and it was so good to see that finally pay off for her. Cam and Jo had so much history, but it was great to see the chemistry and passion between them this time around. They also were surprisingly fun and playful, and I really enjoyed seeing that side of them too.

Overall, this was a great book. Jo and Cam were truly meant to be together, and it really showed. I was excited to see how things would play out for them, and Kennedy Ryan definitely didn't disappoint. These two were so complicated, and yet when they stopped fighting everything and just let things happen between them it could not have been more simple and natural. Jo and Cam were some of my absolute favorites this time around, and I know that their story will be one that I read again in the future. I loved getting to see familiar faces again as well, and couldn't have enjoyed this series more. I highly recommend this series, and I think that it really has something for everyone. I look forward to more from Kennedy Ryan in the future, and I can't wait to see what she writes next.

**ARC Provided by Forever (Grand Central Publishing)**