A review by alejandra_guerrero
Nameless Fate by Stephanie West


It was Ok until the H decides he has to RAPE h to "protect" her from the other inmates (more like he didn't want to look weak in front of his prison buddies, the way it's written), after he brought her back (because she had escaped, by the way, and was perfectly safe AND with a way out, but this guy sees her and decides she's gonna be his plaything, so he takes her back). And the author makes h like it. We are constantly told Harper is a badass, but I didn't see much of that. And of course, the overbearing, patronizing asshole is always demeaning her, and seems to see her as a sexual object and not much more.
And if that wasn't bad enough, he keeps forcing her (granted, the other times it's more like dubious consent, but it's still not OK), and then the freaking werewolves (along with the weird seer lady) basically force her to mate and bond with him in front of everyone. Without telling her exactly what it entails (and she hated the idea of public sex before, that's why she says no the first time; but now she's perfectly OK with it).
I kept reading because the minimal plot is kind of interesting, but there's much more sex than actual plot (at about half the book I just skipped the sex scenes because they were unnecessary and just got repetitive). And because I got the third book for free via Bookfunnel, and since they're not standalones, I tought to start here. I'm not sure I will continue.