A review by liana
The Crushes by Pamela Wells


I really, really enjoy this series! I read the first book almost 5 years ago, so when I found this one at the library I was very hesitant; would I still enjoy this? Would I still care for these characters? Would their storylines and worries still appeal to me? I needn't worry. While I did find myself pissed off or irritated at times, The Crushes was still a very entertaining book.

It is neither a perfect nor a "deep", almost philosophical contemporary. But, to be fair, it never tries to be. Its simply language and narrative, the very real and relatable characters make it enjoyable anyway. I always felt like this cast of characters could be my classmates, my friends, people I know. Their struggles, their hopes and dreams, are so common among teenagers and they are presented in such a fascinatingly simple way it warms my heart.