A review by heatheray
The Nightmare Girl by Jonathan Janz


I will tell you right off the bat that the cover is what drew me to this book. The readers of my blog know me for reviewing lots of romance, the reader who reads daily might have picked up on the fact that while I love my romances, horror is another favorite genre. I just am asked to review more romances than I am asked to review horror.

I love books that freak me out, make me check the locks 4 times before heading to bed, and then have me jumping and imagining the worst possible scenarios every time the dogs bark at something. I want a “get out the salt and stand in the circle” kind of freaky read. Some people don’t like having the pants scared off of them, I think it’s fun. The more likely it is it could happen, the better.

The Nightmare Girl was perfectly creepy, awesomely freaky, and gory enough to have me squirming a bit.

No good deed goes unpunished is what I think when I think of words to describe this book. As the blurb says Joe stops a mother from abusing her toddler. Just the description in that first scene had me cringing. Things went from 0 – 60 right in those first few pages and I was completely in.

We go on this journey that Joe was entangled in just from helping that little boy. Things were really extreme at the end but it worked within the context of the story, with the back stories that were given from various characters that Joe was involved with. I loved that Joe never gave up, he never rolled over and said I’m done, I can’t do this anymore. He just kept going, kept fighting, kept protecting his family.

I also really liked that on top of the cult that there was a supernatural element here.

I just added Jonathan Janz to my favorite author list. He and Scott Nicholson would be my responses if asked who my favorite horror authors are.

I also just grabbed 2 more books from Jonathan on Amazon. I bought the Savage Species set and Dust Devils. I cannot wait to get started on them. They both look equally freaky. I just want to grab everything he has written and have a Jonathan Janz marathon.

Thank you so much to NetGalley for my copy of The Nightmare Girl! 5 stars from me!