A review by dooliah
American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis


I liked the writing style of this book immensely, the beginning was a little rough when I was first getting used to the style but over the course of the book it slowly mad sense in the context of the authors intention

Patrick Batemans experiences a slow devolution of his character throughout the novel which prompted interesting discourse. He represents a byproduct of the upper echelons of New York high society through his vapid and superficial behaviors such as describing acquaintances solely through their brand name clothing as well as intense distaste for the homeless in New York. A close analogy I can provide for Patricks dynamics with characters can be described as a dangerous and bloodthirsty shark being dropped into an aquarium full of unassuming fish. Despite the numerous and blatant attempts and hints Patrick drops throughout the course of the novel to his friends and victims, none take any notice or show any sign of wariness. The reasons for this can be numerous and I’ve developed many theories, when he offers the escort girls money despite his previous torture against them they still walk confidently into the lions den hinting against towards the money hungry part of society. Additionally when his acquaintances brush off his scary remarks also indicates their distaste for conversation that doesn’t interest them or an overall inability to listen which also points towards a superficial aspect to Patrick’s dynamics with his friends.

Overall, I really like the message and the writing style of the novel as well as the character profiles of Patrick, but the torture scenes of this novel broke me. Way to explicit (coming from a Stephen king fan) I couldn’t handle them so I had to bump down my rating.