A review by booksandlemonsquash
Phoenix Flame by Sara Holland


I received this book from the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

I am confused by this book. I honestly thought throughout it would be a trilogy because of the pacing, and this was massively enforced by the ending. While we get resolution on most of the storyline, there is a sort of epilogue moment that really lead me to think there should be more! This review is a little spoilery because I want to discuss some of this, so I've marked it for spoilers and beware if you read on.

So to start there is NO resolution on major life stuff for Maddie - who does she chose for romance? How does she handle all the innkeeper things? What happens with her parents? SO MANY QUESTIONS WTF.

Honestly, I'm getting a little mad about it, now I think back. Which is a shame because there are so many good things. We finally get to see another realm, we get some lovely moments around Maddie's family, and find out more about the soul trade.

I loved Havenfall so much and I wanted more from this. I would have rated it higher if there had been less resolution and a third book coming. I feel Sara struggles with duologies, as I really liked Everless but was let down by Evermore. Hopefully she'll try a standalone next!

3 stars.