A review by ashjreads
City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare



"Forever does not make loss forgettable, only bearable."

This book was SO. SLOW. I have been reading most of these in 2 days but this one took me much longer. I was either bored because of the pacing or annoyed at Jace or Alec for most of it.

Jace because I was frustrated with the whole "brain washing" storyline (hashtag NotMyJace). I, logically, knew it wasn't him doing or saying those things but it still majorly gave me the ICK.

Alec because of the whole business involving Camille and him getting involved in Magnus' life. That felt kind of out of character for Alec in my opinion... but we don't have to get into an essay on that. My ship has sunk for now; I have faith that Malec can pull through in this. Honestly, I don't even blame Magnus for being pissed at Alec, I was pissed too.

Randomly found out that Robert Lightwood is a raging homophobe in this book too. I hate him now. WELL that would mean I liked him at some point, which I didn't, but I dislike him more now than I did.

ANYWAY! The last 100 pages of this book were pretty epic, though, not going to lie. But it took 400+ pages to set that all up. I cannot give it a higher star rating simply for that. It was better than City of Fallen Angels but not by much. I also thought I was free from weird Incest undertones but alas.... I am starting to question why this theme is so prominent in these books...

Also, If they don't stop bringing up Tess, Will, and Jem/Zachariah into this, I may die. I cry a little every time they come up.

One more book in The Mortal Instruments to go and it's a chonk of a book. My goal is to finish it by the end of the month. This is officially the longest "series" I have ever read books from if you count the Infernal Devices as a part of it. It's starting to rot my brain and every waking thought but honestly, I will allow it. After CoHF, I will read a least 1 book that ISN'T a Shadowhunters book. Onto book 9!