A review by caitkom
Bundle of Trouble by Diana Orgain


I have had this is TBR stash for a while and started it a couple months ago, but it didn't quite grab my attention. I restarted it for this challenge and enjoyed it!

Kate Connelly is a brand new mom, and the book starts with her and her husband, Jim receiving a call from the ME's office that Jim's brother, George may be the dead body they found washed up in the bay. Kate goes in to labor and delivers a beautiful baby girl, but can't stop thinking about George. It turns out the body in the bay was actually her high school friend, Michelle's husband, Brad. When a PI shows up on her door step, wanting to know more about George, as he is the main suspect in Brad's murder, she starts following the PI to find out more! She also starts dreading returning to work, and somehow worms her way in the investigation. I was a little irritated when she started pretending to be a PI because I'm a total rule follower! More and more people start dying and Kate does eventually solve the murder. I was caught off guard by the murderer, so I appreciated that!