A review by hikaoru
The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness by Erich Fromm


It took me an entire March to finish this.
Read it for Bookends.my thick book challenge. It was soooo so dry but I couldn't drop it because I was halfway done with it and mama ain't raise no quitter.

I got this from Odilo@upustaka, anyone from Msia check that app out for free stuff.

I dunno how to summarise this.
It argues nature vs nurture on why humans are terrible. Quotes a lot of psychologists and I think it lost me at the necrophilia chapter. Then I just slogged through. Hitler chapter was a good summary on his life tho.

My rudimentary level of psychiatry is useless in understanding this.

Maybe this is my last book of substance for the year. I'm either gonna start tackling my TBR pile or just mindlessly read manga. We'll see.