A review by cjwitch
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Volume 1 - Weapons of Past Destruction by Blair Shedd, Cavan Scott


This was fantastic! It absolutely reads like a missing episode.

For timeline reference: this story would take place immediately following s1 e10 “The Doctor Dances,” as Jack mentions he just met The Doctor and Rose.

I absolutely loved this. The storyline was a touch predictable (no more so than the episodes of the Ninth Doctor’s season though), but it contained the humor and sass that I love about Nine, Rose, and Jack. It had elements of darkness, with lots of references to the Time War and the loss of Gallifrey, but never strayed too dark. It fit the mood of the first season of New Who perfectly.

The art was beautiful as well, and the Doctor’s expressions were spot on. So smug, and earnest, and perfect.

An absolutely enjoyable read.