A review by kellyhager
Desire Lines by Christina Baker Kline


I absolutely loved Christina Baker Kline's most recent release, Orphan Train, so I was incredibly excited to read this book. (This is an earlier novel that's been re-released with a book club guide in the back.)

This is an incredibly hard book to describe. On the one hand, there's a mystery at the center of it, but on the other, there's just as much to do with your life after college and how, for the most part, the life you expect to have is nowhere near the life you end up actually having. (An excellent example of this is the movie The Big Chill.)

I love the idea that this one event has clearly shaped the lives of the rest of Jennifer's group of friends---which makes sense, because you figure this is probably the worst thing that's ever happened to any of them (Jennifer disappearing) and which is the better outcome? Either your friend is dead---and probably in a horrible way, given that the body was never found---or she deliberately chose to run away and literally couldn't care less about the impact that said disappearance had on her family and friends.

It's not as good as Orphan Train, but this is an incredibly fun read.
