A review by mxbookmoth
Vampires: From Dracula to Twilight: The Complete Guide to Vampire Mythology by Charlotte Montague


I've had this Book for ages-Yet I've only just read it...I loved it!
I've always found Vampire mythology interesting, so I already knew that I'd definitely enjoy reading more about it.
This Book goes through Vampire history, changes throughout the ages, myths & legends, horrific historical figures & Vampires depicted in T.V & Film.
The author's clearly educated on all of the above & I learnt quite a bit from it-Especially the historical aspects.
The only thing that annoyed me slightly, was how Paganism {Constantly written with a lower case p} was referred to as something in the past, when actually, it does still exist in the present! :P
But aside from that, it's a great Book for Vampire fans! ;)