A review by apostrophen
Cargo of Orchids by Susan Musgrave


Unfortunately, the concept wasn't quite enough for me - it was beautifully written, and the craft itself was wonderful. The idea was intriguing. And I did read it, but it was hard going. I had a very hard time wanting to empathize with the 'heroine,' and it just didn't fly for me - I don't have to like a character in a book to enjoy the book as a whole, but I just couldn't connect with anyone here.

The violence seemed extreme, and at the end of it all, I couldn't quite decide on the point of the tale. It was very well written, and evocative of the emotions that I think the author intended to portray, but I just didn't quite get into to any depth.

I'd try Musgrove again, but I think the pseudo-non-fiction is too hard a subject to write with enough realism to make it work. That, or I'm a total innocent and don't realize just how awful people can really be...