A review by davehershey
Edward II by Christopher Marlowe


So I just started reading Shakespeare's histories, having finished King John. I learned that Edward III is next, though its authorship is disputed. Then I saw this one as fitting in chronologically, and since Marlowe and Shakespeare were friends, I thought I'd give it a try. Interestingly, this same Edward II is the son of Edward the Longshanks, made famous in the movie Braveheart! Once I knew that, I couldn't help, for better or worse, but to picture him as the pushover son in that movie. Here we see him obsessed with Gaveston, his friend (lover?), whom pretty much all the English nobles hate. Edward is a weak king, but also a tragic figure (I think). It was satisfying to see Mortimer get his comeuppance at the end. It was also neat to see the similarities and differences in style between Marlowe and Shakespeare.

On to Edward III!