A review by angels_gp17
Secrets of the Sword I by Lindsay Buroker


Secrets of the Sword I is book seven in the Death Before Dragons series by Lindsay Buroker

It’s another thrilling read in the series that takes us on a journey with Val to learn about her sword. I really enjoyed this new plot. It’s engaging and kept my attention.

Things are settled with the dragons, but Val has a new problem. Her sword is giving off a beacon to all who can feel it. The plot brings us new situations, powers and secrets on Val’s sword plus interactions with the Fae we haven’t seen in previous installments.

Val and Zav’s relationship is solid. They work together as a team and they have great banter. Zav shows his dedication to Val and helps her out with her problems.

The familiar side characters are present. We see Val spending more time with her daughter Amber and we get more of Nin and Dimitri who are friends of Val.

We’re treated too lots of laugh, action, adventure, fun characters, and more. I enjoy returning to this world and look forward to seeing what’s next.

Rated: 4 Stars
