A review by ajlewis2
Passage Meditation - A Complete Spiritual Practice by Eknath Easwaran


Very similar to his book on Mantram, but the emphasis is on Passage Meditation technique and purpose. He covers the whole 8-points that go with it. It is easy to understand and seems like very good advice to go with the meditation. In most meditation techniques I've used focus on breath or on a word is used. This one focuses on a passage that has been memorized and is repeated slowly during the meditation period. This gives a similar practice of focusing the mind and when distracted coming back to the focus. I tried this meditation and it took more effort, but I found I was much less distracted than with observing breath. Again, this is only one part of the overall plan. It all fits together and does make a lot of sense. I wasn't sure about the mantram repetition, but lately I have found it very handy for stress management. I'm also finding the "slowing down" and "one-point focus" (not multi-tasking) is helping me actually get more done with less stress. This is probably the best of the three books I've read in covering everything well.