A review by dragontomes2000
Shadowlark by Meagan Spooner


Still a really enjoyable series so far, but this definitely felt like a bridge between books 1 and 3. I still really liked learning more about this post Earth kind of world and also how we got a more deep dive into the magic elements. Lark is still a really enjoyable lead but the romance which didn't really bother me in book one, bothered me in this one. I also found this installment to be just a tad predictable. It did end up going exactly where I thought it would go but I thought for a moment, just a moment I would have been proven wrong. Meagan Spooner though is an author who has such a talent for writing. This has so far been a beautifully written story that is really hard to hate but it falls into the trope trap and story mold of books that came out around the same time. I like to try and suspend my expectations for the books I have taken a long time to get to but it's hard. But I will say this I am really enjoying this series overall, I do believe it does the dystopian world story a little differently then most and that is why it seems fresh to me.