A review by curiosityboughtthebook
Virgins In Reverse & The Intrusion by Gabriel Hart


When I first received Gabriel Hart's twin novels, Virgins in Reverse and The Intrusion, I didn't really know what to expect. Now, after reading it, I urge you to pick up a copy of these grim and disturbing tales of a man named Caleb, whom you will both pity and despise.

Hart's book is divided into two novellas, which are both told from the point of view of Caleb. He is a young man, who loves to drink in order to cope with life.

We first meet him in Virgins in Reverse, as he starts a new job in a silent movie theater. He falls in love with his co-worker Cecilia. While, this seems like a nice love story right there, it is anything but. The author compares their newly found relationship to the way the emerald wasp hunts the cockroach in order to reproduce. This tale goes downhill and beserk so quickly, you'd better hold on to your seats!

We yet again hear from Caleb in The Intrusion, in which he retells a story that has happened to him a while ago. After renting an apartment with his friends, he quickly discovers something isn't right with their new place. The story yet again, makes use of an analogy. This time spirit possession is correlated to alcoholic blackouts and it works perfectly. As the back of the book states it is simply "bat-shit".

Again, pick up a copy of this book and see for yourself. I don't think you will regret it!

5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you Gabriel Hart for the free copy!