A review by a_reader_obsessed
The Merchant of Death by Lisa Henry, J.A. Rock


3.5 Stars

Despite it being forever ago since I read [b:The Two Gentlemen of Altona|22439645|The Two Gentlemen of Altona (Playing the Fool, #1)|Lisa Henry|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1408431875l/22439645._SY75_.jpg|41864532], and admittedly, hardly remember any details, it didn't negate too much the interesting push pull of Henry and Mac.

Taking off immediately from where the first book ended, Henry is called away to attend some family business. What ensues is a very unbelievable improbable setup as he impersonates his sister at the home she’s living in to make sure her nebulous fears are unfounded or not. If something nefarious is going on, Henry is going to find out before he allows Viola to return. Against his will, federal agent Mac is pulled into Henry’s investigation which is completely out of his jusristation. Thing is, Mac just can't say no, no matter how hard he tries.

The dynamic between these two is funny and sometimes silly, the attraction never dimming. One MC is not sure if he could ever trust a con man, the other not sure if he can be trustworthy. In between the farcical situations these two get themselves in, it becomes more and more apparent that there’s some meat to this bone with plenty of angsty moments (mostly on Henry’s side) that explain why he is the way he is. Mac too, has his own problems brewing as someone wants him out of the way and this second installment builds on the first revealing a broader and more complex story arc that will see its conclusion in the next book.

Overall, interesting enough. The dynamic again, is compelling between these two complete opposites both in personality, motivation, and morality. I guess that makes them the perfect pair, and they’re going to need each other’s unique skill set to get them out of the trouble they find themselves neck deep in, while of course, falling further in love.