A review by shirezu
The Sacred Blood by Michael Byrnes


As part of my goal to finish all my physical books I finally picked up the sequel to [b:The Sacred Bones|449207|The Sacred Bones|Michael Byrnes|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1174870753s/449207.jpg|1176262]. Picking up where the last book left off geneticist Charlotte Hennesey is once again drawn into the middle of a conflict between major religions, though this time the focus is on Jerusalem not Rome and between the Jews and Muslims.

I preferred the other main character, Amit, more than Charlotte. I wish there had been more about him and I hope he gets his own book. Overall though this book just felt more of the same. The ending was rather predictable. Just once I'd like to see them take it in a completely different direction.

A quick read I wouldn't recommend it without reading the first book.