A review by cesmnl
A Crown of Wishes by Roshani Chokshi


Given how I disliked Star-Touched Queen, I almost didn't read A Crown of Wishes. Three reasons that convinced me to do so: 1) It had different lead characters, 2) It rated much higher than Star-Touched Queen, and 3) I really wanted to like/get used to Roshani Chokshi's style of writing because I still have several of her books in my TBR pile.

I'm glad I did read A Crown of Wishes. I enjoyed this so much more than Star-Touched Queen. I really liked the lead characters (Vikram is legit book boyfriend material) and I thought the prose of this book was not as metaphor-heavy/mind boggling as the first book. I particularly enjoyed the banter between Vikram and Gauri. What I didn't like is the fantasy world in which the story was set upon. Fantasy is my favorite genre but this book's Otherworld/Alaka just didn't tickle my fancy. Not a fan of the dream-like fantasy world that's constantly changing and, even by fantasy standards, hard to explain.

Bottom-line, I'm glad to have met Vikram and Gauri and I am warming up to Roshani Chokshi. :)