A review by ashleyanreads
Strung Along by Hannah Cowan


I need to apologize to Hannah and to Brittany for waiting so long to read this book.  I do not know why it took me so long. Especially since Hannah wrote it (love her books) and bc Brittany never fails with a solid book recommendation. So if someone has recommended for you to read this book, do so asap. 

Brody is famous. He is singer who is back home while he recovers. Anna, she has moved to a small town for a new start as she found her fiancé cheating. They end up communication via text but this is by accident. They build this relationship behind the screen that when it comes to life, I am glad they handled it the way the did. See, they didn't know they were secretly texting each other and IRL, they didn't get along. This is where you get the enemies to lovers. 

Brody would do anything for Anna and it shows. He fell fast and hard and I am so for it! Anna found herself in this small town and she also found the one thing she wanted as well. Love. 

From the two of them and their relationship, Anna's new girlfriends and then appearances by Maddox and Braxton, this book was so much fun to read and I cannot wait for the next one and I will not wait as long as I did to read it when it comes out. 

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