A review by omnibozo22
The Weirdstone of Brisingamen by Alan Garner


Somehow I began this series of books in the wrong order. I read the third one first, a couple months ago. This is the first one, so I finally got the background and the build up that continues in the other books.
The storyline is fun and complex, given its shortness, so it mostly moves right along, which wasn't always true in the third book, as I remember. It reads quickly, around two hours for me today. This would be a good intro to fantasy stories for those who haven't read any before.
One of the aspects of books like this that I enjoy is an author's ability to coin words for often common objects in those worlds that are close to, but not always identical, to objects in our world... and we quickly, if not immediately understand what those objects are. Garner is expert at that.
Since these books move quickly I will soon read the second one, then an autobiography of Garner.