A review by imamandaaa
I Love You So Mochi by Sarah Kuhn


I definitely enjoyed this book. Its super lightweight and easy read. I think it was too perfect of a story but I guess that's why I picked it up. It seems soo romantic to immediately find a boy in a foreign place whom you instantly connect with and spend an amazing three weeks while being able to figure out your purpose and future goals while having grandparents that are very similar to you and can help you grow as a person? That's sooo perfect. I like that her feelings mirrored mines when I was growing up and trying to figure out my future (although I never had the luxury of finding a boyfriend in a foreign place and making it work!). The main character just reflected me a lot and that's honestly why I like it. It felt like a glimpse into an alternate future I could have had I done the same when I was 18, getting ready to graduate high school. So my review isn't about the book itself; its very straight forward and not too dramatic and not too ground breaking. It was just nice. And I liked it.