A review by randikaye
Something Good by Vanessa Miller


When I first started reading this book, I must admit I wasn't sure I would finish it... all because I found one of the characters to be a bit annoying. Oh yes, in the beginning Marquita was not a character I enjoyed. She was rude and disrespectful, and I just didn't relate to the character at all. The other women drew me in though, so I kept pushing on... and I'm glad I did because by the end, Marquita might have just been my favorite. As I got to see more of her story, I understood her actions a bit better and we got to see a tremendous growth in her in the end. And she wasn't the only one, the other women (and men) in the story came a long way too. Taking on mental illness, forgiveness, financial burdens, etc this story was definitely a bit heavy at points, but I really enjoyed seeing how these three very different women had their lives come together in such life changing and unexpected ways.

**I received a complimentary copy for consideration. All thoughts are my own.