A review by silelda
Where the Stars Rise: Asian Science Fiction and Fantasy by Gabriela Lee, Minsoo Kang, Elsie Chapman, Tony Pi, Samantha Beiko, Rati Mehrotra, Lucas K. Law, Calvin D. Jim, S.B. Divya, Pamela Q. Fernandes, Priya Sridhar, Regina Kanyu Wang, E.C. Myers, Ruhan Zhao, Amanda Sun, Naru Dames Sundar, Melissa Yuan-Innes, Fonda Lee, Shaoyan Hu, Deepak Bharathan, Angela Yuriko Smith, Miki Dare, Anne Carly Abad, Joyce Chng, Derwin Mak, Karin Lowachee, Jeremy Szal, Diana Xin


If you've followed my blog for a while, you've heard me say that there's always one story in every anthology that I didn't like or I liked every story, but only because I skimmed through the ones I didn't like as much. This book a very rare anthology where I genuinely enjoyed every story and every story kept my full attention. I'm not gonna say I it was a completely fun ride because there were several stories that felt like a gut-punch of emotion. But such was the diverse array of story styles, settings and themes that these emotional stories were well balanced with the lighter-hearted ones.

At no point did I want to put this book down. I actually finished the book and thought "I wish I had been able to read this in one go." It is such an amazing collection that it has introduced me to so many things I didn't know I didn't know, you know? I now need to look up books about King Sejong. I need to find recipes for idlis and onigiri. I need to know more about spider-jinn. Spider-jinn! I wanted to learn Chinese because, as beautiful as "Back to Myan" was in English, how much more beautiful is it in its original language?

This book was such a welcome change of pace and scenery for me. The authors are so very creative and engaging. Though my copy of this book was free, I ended up purchasing my own copy. Where the Stars Rise has raise the bar for all future anthologies that I read. And has also greatly expanded my "Want to Read" list on Goodreads. I happily give 5 hoots and encourage you to pick up a copy!