A review by snoopydoo77
Baptism of Fire by Andrzej Sapkowski


I know I keep saying it but it is true. The books get better and better. Not only is the overall arc developing nicely but the characters as well.  

This book so far was my favorite, while there was so, so much going on there, it was also nice and slow and things not resolved or mentioned yet. First, I was like … WTH?! Let's get to …. or what happened to ….  
But now having finished this book I have to say bravo, well done, we get plenty of story and characters growth and action and still there is so much that needs to be addressed.  

I love how he tells the story and the people. 

In this book the group is still semi split up after the major battle. People are still recovering from their injuries and some are even permanent. 

Geralt is traveling with a group. Of course, we have Dandelion, but he also is joined by Milva and Zoltan, both who I loved right away.  There are some others and of course having Dandelion in the group will cause mischief enough, as he of course never knows when to shut up.  

Here is one of my favorite quotes of the book that sums up pretty well Geralt’s group in his own words:  

“What a company I ended up with,’ Geralt continued, shaking his head. ‘Brothers in arms! A team of heroes! What have I done to deserve it? A poetaster with a lute. A wild and lippy half-dryad, half-woman. A vampire, who’s about to notch up his fifth century. And a bloody Nilfgaardian who insists he isn’t a Nilfgaardian.” 

There was not as much of Yennifer or Tris, but I have a feeling we will get plenty of that next book.  At least when it comes to Yennifer. 

The same with Ciri, which I'm most curious about. She is still with the Rats from last book and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I have no idea where this will be going so maybe that’s why.  I have a feeling that it will be solved in the next book one way or another.  

Overall, I loved this book and since it ended once again on a cliffhanger, I can't wait to get to the next book in the series.  

I give it a full 5 ★ 

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