A review by annarella
Bone Harvest by James Brogden


It's a powerful, gripping and entertaining story, well written and well plotted.
It starts slowly, with a lot of word building and the introduction of parts of the characters. Even if there's plenty to consider them the "vilain" of the story you cannot help liking them with all their faults and sins.
The second part alternates descriptions of the life in an english village with building the suspense and an underlying sense of darkness.
The "good guys" are nice and you cannot help rooting for them.
I can say that somehow the first part is stronger than the second but I liked them both nonetheless.
I appreciated the style of writing, the pace that is never too fast and builds the tension.
It was a good read, recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.