A review by chippyreads
Recipe for Confidence by Samantha Picaro

Did not finish book. Stopped at 64%.
DNF ARC Review 

DNFd at 64%

I just couldn’t do it. The writing was clunky af and the dialogue was unbelievable. I was pulled out of the story too many times by writing that just didn’t make sense. 

The messages this book has are great! But I refuse to believe a whole school is talking about ‘setback cakes’ as if they’re the next best thing. They’re not THAT interesting. But apparently the main character Bryn has become a whole celebrity over the things. 

This book also seems pretty messy with how much conflict is happening. Even the setback cakes are part of the conflict with random strangers calling for their removal. It's just all a bit too much.

eARC provided by the author. All opinions are my own.