A review by booksknownoage
Deliver Us From Evil by Logan Fox


Logan pulled out all the stops in Deliver us from Evil. Its continued on from Their will be Done and there is no disappointment with the pace as it speeds through the story.

There is alot of learning for us readers in the story, lots of questions get answered as we find out the dark truth behind Trinitys family and its not easy to swallow. Her relationship with the boys grows in leaps and bounds and her character gets stronger with each page turned.

I found the turmoil between the boys and Zac refreshing, in the previous books they rely on Zac for everything, his word was law but they grow into themselves and become more of an equal in Deliver us from Evil. They soften in character too which helped them grow on me although Ruben and Apollo are still my favourite!!! The bad boys lost for me in the book..... I suppose I can't have them in everybody right

This is a Dark Taboo story in my opinion, its not easy to digest and this book is for me the strongest from the 3 in the series! The ending was fantastic and softens the initial pages but if child abuse, kidnapping is a hard pass for you then so is this book. I have no idea how authors wrote thes stories but Logan does it with a Finesse that doesn't linger but doesn't miss out important details either.