A review by nickdleblanc
The Fun Parts by Sam Lipsyte


I liked this collection much more than I liked Venus Drive. The Climber Room, Dungeon Master, Snacks, Ode to Oldcorn, and This Appointment Occurs in the Past are complete knockout stories. The Republic of Empathy almost is as well--I love the conceit and the perspective switching--but it loses me right in the end with the second to last perspective change. It's just a little too much for me. If anything, that's my critique of this collection, at times it reads as just too much, whether that be in his tightly written prose style or character/story choices. Lipsyte is funny and definitely not for everyone, but this collection definitely resonated with me. I hate when writers try to make characters likable or feel the need for audience cyphers in every story. Lipsyte is not one of these and is completely unafraid to leave you with your jaw hitting the floor. Good stuff, heavy stuff.