A review by gypsydawn
A Feather's Worth by S.A. Parker


Holy bloody smokes!

This is NOT an easy book to love, but it’s an impossible book to hate. Book 1 had me on the fence, while this one threw me firmly into fan mode.... reluctantly? It’s brutal, harsh and unforgiving - and so dang compelling you just HAVE to keep reading. It deserves every trigger warning it gets, plus some, but for those with the stomach, the story behind the violence and cruelty is riveting, or maybe it’s the horror that makes it riveting? Either way, it got me. I hesitated on book 1, but I’m won over.

- Dell. She still talks to herself (and her body parts do too!) too much, but she’s growing on me. A lot.
- The Sun Gods. They don’t feature as much in this installment, and the intimate nature of their relationships is still a slow burn, but what we do see (about 45% on) makes me fall a little bit in love with all of them.
- Stockholm. It’s a real thing... and the after effects are debilitating.
- foreshadowing from book 1 plays out here.

- It’s a HARD, really hard book. The men in this world are trained to be unkind, and Dell is the brunt of that torture at a brothel.
- I almost felt bad for her nether parts in this installment. Last book, her lady bits had a virtual mind of their own... this book? They suffer some serious sleep apnea, attitude wise. Oh, there’s some lippy (see what I did there?) snark, but nothing like the previous novel.