A review by anitalouise
Intoxicated by Jeana E. Mann


Hmmm. For some reason, parts of this book just didn't work for me. It started off really strong - so strong that I one-clicked before I finished reading the sample. But the timeline and pacing seemed odd to me. There is an incident with Ally's mother at Ally's workplace that results in.... nothing! It comes up later in the book but at the time, I just felt like okaaay so what was that about. And then there's lots about her job at the Reyes Corp but felt like the storyline was sort of lost. I also didn't really get the back and forth with Chelsea
what was that business about Jack turning her into a drug addict
What did work for me was Jack - yes, he was a manwhore with serious issues but I did like him. I also really liked Ally - she wasn't model thin, she had issues with food (like me!) loads of insecurities and tried to keep control of her life - a real person! As I got closer to the end, I was petrified that this was going to end as a cliffhanger but thankfully it didn't. And surprisingly, I did like the end - it wasn't pretty and didn't all tie up nicely with a bow and that's life - doesn't always end up puppies and rainbows but you deal with what you got... So this is the first in the series but it appears that Jack and Ally's story ends here. I will read others in the series. This is the author's debut and I do like her style. Some of the dialogue was wonderfully written, pithy comments and the sexy times were nicely done and HAWT... I will never look at cheesecake the same way again!