A review by caseroo7
If This is Love by Jewel E. Ann


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If This Is Love by Jewel E Ann had me hooked from page one, and I could not put this book down! This book was so heartbreaking yet beautiful and I can’t recall a time recently that I was as emotional while reading as I was here. This book is definitely one of hte best I’ve read this year, and I just know that it will be on my mind for the foreseeable future.

Indie and Milo’s story is not an easy read by any means, and it felt at times that my heart was literally breaking alongside theirs. But the one thing I knew was that if anyone was meant for someone else, that was absolutely the case for these two. I loved their connection and chemistry, and every moment they shared. I couldn’t get enough of their burnt grilled cheese sandwiches with figs, and their pond races. I just kept hoping that through it all, their love would find a way.

Both of these characters had so much in their pasts that they had to overcome and I just felt so much for both of them. I won’t give anything away, but these two were made for one another. Jewel E Ann had me hooked the whole way through, and I definitely shed some tears along the way. This one was a journey, and I am so glad I was able to go on it with Milo and Indie. I can’t recommend this one enough. Milo and Indie are everything and I know this is one book I’ll never forget.

**ARC Provided by Valentine PR**