A review by mandalor3960
The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr., E.B. White


This book still stands as an essential reference book for writing, but I find that some aspects of the book are antiquated.

Rating Update 26 May 2019
Four stars to two stars. This book was a trudge to get through, as evident through my page progression dates which would have lowered the rating of this book to one star, however, the content was good so the rating becomes two stars.

August 18, 2019
With the adoption of my new rating system, a two star rating is befitting. The original review, original rating, and rating update from March 26, 2019, conform to the new rating system. I recall this book as a good reference book. Unfortunately, I was bored reading through it and dissapointed that this second reading of "The Elements of Style" was not as enjoyable as the first. I have left it at a two star rating since it is helpful but brought down because I did not enjoy reading it. However, I am at odds with whether this should be a three star-rated book since it is extremely helpful as a resource book, and the aurora it gives off on reflection now more than two years later, is pleasant. A two star rating is an unstable rating for now.

January 18, 2020
I have kept the rating at two stars because I am unsure whether I found this to be a beneficial book that I enjoyed after reading it. At the time of writing the update form August 18, 2019 and even now, I find the book to deserve three stars, though I am not sure if that is how I felt after originally finishing this book. If this were true, it would raise the rating of the book to three stars.