A review by muddypuddle
Down a Dark Road by Linda Castillo


2.5 I so loved her first books about Kate Burkholder and Amish country, Ohio. I liked this one slightly better than the last one, but not much. I'm starting to find the writing, as well as the thinking and actions of the protagonist to be repetitious to the point of being frustrating. And there really weren't any surprises in this plot, everything could be figured out well in advance. Interesting flashbacks helped the reader put Kate's feelings about the "bad" guy, her childhood friend, into perspective. However, they were noted near the beginning of the book, but then lengthier descriptions were added later in the story about the same memories with only a little bit of extra description. Unnecessary . Kate really is impetuous and strong minded, almost to a fault. I didn't even like her as much in this foray. I'm disappointed, because this has gone from being my favorite series to one that is only "eh." Darn.