A review by gbdill
Prime by Jeremy Robinson, Sean Ellis


While I thoroughly enjoyed the first two Jack Sigler series novels, "Pulse" and "Instinct" I did not like "Prime". Understand, I typically read Jeremy Robinson's novels for the thrill and adventure. And, I've always enjoyed the mystery of the unknown, not knowing what's going to happen next. Although this story seemingly started out that way (mystery of the manuscript, black plague, historical setting, etc.), it took a quick turn for the worse. I felt like all I was reading was a novel about military combat. Guns-a-blazin everywhere, special ops, Delta forces, sit reps, sit rooms, Army generals, battles in Iraq, blackhawk choppers, yada yada yada. I might as well have been reading a Tom Clancy novel. After reading almost half of the book I simply lost interest. The characters were shallow, poor story development, and felt a bit contrived. Maybe I should have given it more time to develop. But, after reading the first 100 pages, I wasn't convinced it was going to happen. Maybe it's time to move away from the Jack Sigler series and into Robinson's other works.