A review by kthornette
What I Carry by Jennifer Longo


"Adopted is not an adjective."

Come on, average 4.27 rating, don’t let me down.

Muiriel was such a charming character and a perfect narrator to tell this story (which is her story but you get what I mean). I loved reading about her journey entering adulthood after being raised in the foster system. I think it would’ve been more interesting if there was something about her upbringing that made her a little worse-off so that her story would be about recovery, but it was refreshing to read a story about a foster child who turned out alright. And her nerding out over Teddy Roosevelt is literally me.

All of her relationships were so wholesome — friendship, foster siblings/family, relationship. Francine and Kira were just the best. (Also her and Sean nerding out about various things? Also Sean in general? So loveable).

Also, the summer camp-esque setting? Hell yes.

All in all, wholesome book that nearly made me cry in the end.