A review by laughlinesandliterature
The Redemption of Callie & Kayden by Jessica Sorensen


*I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*
I really really enjoyed The Redemption of Callie and Kayden. I felt like this book had an end goal it was working towards. I did love how all of the characters were incorporated in this story. I also liked how this was a little more about Kayden and how he needed to fix himself. Callie had already started trying to come to terms with what happened to her in the previous book.

Kayden broke my heart in the last book, and in this book. His parents were just so utterly selfish and cruel that I was constantly surprised by them. They made him believe that he was the one that had the issues, and that he was embarrassing them. Then his mother tries to tell him how good he had it. Umm no. She is incorrect! Being beaten every day is not “good” and his mother ends up spilling the beans about her terrible childhood. I just can’t imagine why she wouldn’t be a good mom and want to protect her kids.

I loved that Luke, Callie, and Seth made the decision to go get Kayden. I don’t think Kayden would have ever recovered if they hadn’t gotten him and went on their impromptu road trip. Kayden was struggling so much, and this book was awesome because we really got to see Callie come into her own.

She was so much stronger than anyone gave her credit for. Not only did she handle Kayden and his trauma, but she also dealt with hers. Callie also ended up telling her parents what had happened to her, by herself when the time was right. That was something that it didn’t seem she would every be capable of doing.

I really enjoyed this book, even with all of the characters who had so many issues because I felt like they wanted a better life than the one they had been living. They were willing to try and move past it. They wanted those around them to be happy and they wanted to help others as well. Seth and Luke were such a great supporting cast, they each have their own issues as well. And we haven’t really gotten into Luke’s but I’m sure we will. However with Seth we know what happened and he also went through his period in this book of having to grow.

I would give this book 5 out of 5 stars because it was a great ending to this series. Each of these characters grew so much and it’s always wonderful to see them start to come out from under that dark cloud. I would definitely recommend this series for anyone who likes New Adult.

*This review was first posted to Moonlight Gleam Reviews http://moonlightgleam.com/2013/10/the-redemption-of-callie-and-kayden-by-jessica-sorensen.html*