A review by ellesea
Four Christmases and a Secret by Zara Stoneley


A Christmas themed novel perfect for any time of the year. 

Uncle T's infamous annual Christmas Eve party looms signalling it's time for Daisy Dunkerly to dig out her festive jumper and flashing antlers, although she's not in the festive mood this year. It's a yearly reminder of Ollie Cartwright and a teenage kiss under the mistletoe and the fact he's now a doctor and she's failed to live up to expectations. With Stanley her foster dog in tow, she heads to the bookshop party venue hoping some seasonal luck will rub off on her. 

It's easy to understand and sympathise with Daisy and how her life has panned out over the years. A star pupil with ambitions, her life is a shadow of what she could have achieved. To make things worse, her mother is a friend of Ollie's mum who's favourite topic of conversation is bragging about her son's accomplishments. Growing up, constantly compared to him is a constant reminder of her shortcomings. 

Full of laughter with an overload of puppy love, the main plot's centred around Christmas but there's much more to the narrative than a seasonal chicken vol-au-vent and Pringles. It's about second chances, building confidence and realising some people are not who they seem...both positive and negative. Packed with emotions, secrets are revealed, deceitful acts uncovered yet the overall mood of this novel is upbeat. Who doesn't love a second chance? 

Everyone loves a happy ending and Ms Stoneley delivers one with touching sentiment and it's a fitting finale to this delightful rom-com. 

4.5 stars 

***arc generously received courtesy of the publisher One More Chapter via NetGalley***