A review by thebooktrollop
Broken Skies by Theresa Kay


Excuse me while I jump around in complete GLEE from having to write this review and relive this fabulous book all over again...

I don't even know where to begin this review. I feel like I unearthed a treasure and I'm not sure if I want to talk about it because I want to be selfish and just keep everything inside and relive it in my own head....
But that kind of defeats the purpose of why I am here...
Pimping books is what I do so I guess I will talk...

This book was so unique, but also had a vibe that was a mix between The Hunger Games trilogy and The Lux series by Jennifer Armentrout. No, there weren't many similarities between this book and the other two series (meaning you didn't feel as if you were rereading the other series all over again) but the vibe was definitely strong.

I was so smitten while reading, I didn't want to put it down. It was like this puzzle I wanted to figure out, but at the same time, I wanted to keep reading so I was happy to let everything unfold how the author wanted it to.

It is not everyday that an author can get me to read an alien romance and have me loving every minute of it. The only exception ever being JLA and now, Theresa Kay. When she first wrote me about this book, I was skeptical because I didn't think anyone could even hold a flame to my Daemon and Lux series. I loved that series so hard but I am happy to say, this book is, so far, on equal footing with The Lux series.

Yes, shocking, I know. But I have a feeling this series is going to blow the hell up once everyone starts reading it and loving it as much as I do.

This author makes you believe in the impossible, takes you to another world that you can vividly picture, due to the descriptions she gives, but gives you just enough to let your own imagination take over. There is always a fine balance between too many descriptions and not enough and this author balances it well.

The emotions that are portrayed are FELT. You FEEL them as if they were happening to you. I was laughing, annoyed, aggravated, sick, and yes, even a little butterfly action happening too. It was all there, all the emotions that make you fall in love with a story was all right there and it was magical. Like a little unicorn jumping over rainbows but way more badass!

Oh yes, the badassery is there, in spades. I thought I wouldn't like Jax at first because she seemed kind of dramatic but as I continued, I learned more about her and her brokeness, and I realized how awesome she really was. Plus, Kay, all but killed her in this book and she kept coming back for more.

Oh and the alien, I guess we should talk about the green/gold haired alien boy but I am not going to because I think you need to experience him for yourself....

Does that make me evil?...


Figure out your own opinion about him and whether or not you would want to have his little alien babies...

All in all, if you want to experience a new book, fall in love with a unique story, and be taken on an incredible journey with Jax then, GO GET THIS BOOK AND READ IT, RIGHT FREAKING NOW!!!!!!!!

This book got me out of my book funk and I was so enamored with the story that I felt a little stabby because the next book was not out yet!!

Oh, and it does not end in a cliff hanger but you will be salivating for more!!

I give this book a 5 "Please stop torturing Jax" Stars!!