A review by marisakucha
Legacy by Sheridan Anne


Many twists and turns

The number of twists and turns throughout is going to keep you on your toes the entire time. It was going smoothly, and then Bam! Twist. Bam! Another twist. And again, and again. Most made sense and they were fairly unexpected. I’m so thankful that this series is now a trilogy because I’m going to need these answers ASAP.

I do like the FMC but I think it was a standstill when it came to character development, same as the guys except for Zade. Not much changed between book one and two romantically but I think Zade as a person is changing, and hopefully in a good way. I would say this book was definitely more plot heavy than character and I’m actually OK with that.

When it came to the ending, I already knew the author was going to leave us with a cliffhanger because that’s just how she rolls. Was I expecting a few twists and then a cliffhanger? Less so but it was an added bonus. I felt entertained throughout this book and there wasn’t a lot of downtime which I loved. It’s quite fast-paced and I can’t imagine what’s going to happen next.