A review by diana_raquel
Counterpoint by Rachel Haimowitz


"Yet men... you strive to shape the earth in your image, forgetting that the gods have already shaped it in theirs."

Well, that was something. Counterpoint is one of those books that remained on my TBR list for a long time. But finally, I decided to give it a try. And I got to say that I'm a little surprised. When I saw that this was an enemy to lovers and that the relationship between the two main characters would start as a slave/master relationship, I thought that this was going to be more problematic than it actually is. Actually, compared to other books that use the same trope, this isn't that problematic (well, you could say that romanticized slave/master relationships are always problematic but, believe me, from what I have read, this isn't very problematic- I know, I have issues). And that's why I was surprised. Every time I thought I know where the plot was going, something happened that change its course. And that was a pleasant surprise. 

I liked this book. It's a good blend between the genres of fantasy and erotic. I liked the magic system and the fact that elves could hear human emotions. I also liked the characters of Ayden (he's my favorite) and Freyrik (although, he took a little time for me to like because I couldn't figure him out). Their relationship was developed in a very natural way, not too rushed and not too quick. The same goes for the pacing. At first, it was a little rushed but then it found the right speed. And, finally, I also liked the writing style. 

But I couldn't pass the sexism. The society that the narrative presents is very sexist (surprised, surprised, sexism in fantasy). And, although, there's a female character that it's a woman who isn't afraid to speak up, at the same time, she's also very aware of her position in society. She doesn't stand up to sexism and misogyny, she uses her position to get what she wants. I just wish that Haimowitz took this opportunity to create strong female characters, something that you don't see in the fantasy genre every day. 

But, although there's sexism, I still recommend the story. It has potential and it's very entertaining. I also recommend that you get the audiobook because the narrator is one of the best narrators that I ever listen to.