A review by atnea
No soy un serial killer by Dan Wells


I did it! I was so tired yesterday after finishing reading this that I just went straight to sleep. I didn't even mark it as finished or something. Just threw it and turned the lights off. But enough about me, let's go with the book.
At first, when I first started reading this book, I was really excited about what I had learnt so far. This 15 year old boy named John Wayne Cleaver, who lived in one of those towns lost by God, had all the characteristic of a serial killer, such as showing no empathy for animals, or peeing at night, with the small exception that he did not want to be a serial killer. He had though about, but knew it was wrong. He felt as if there was a monster inside of him, that he had to control.In order to accomplish this task he established a series of very strict rules to avoid having macabre and grim thoughts about what he could do if he let the monster free. He also read about other serial killers (all of them, most likely) to learn about them and their patterns and avoid becoming like them. His family was composed of his mother and his aunt and later on the story, his sister, Lauren (not a spoiler, I promise). His father had long been gone and only received a card and a gift from him on Christmas and occasionally on his birthday. And his family worked in the morgue. Meaning, him, his mother and his aunt received all the corpses of the small town and prepared them to the funeral. Stuff like that.
Up until this point, everything seemed great. The story was really intriguing and I was loving and couldn't stop reading.
Then one day, in the small little town that nothing ever happened in, there was a murder. And a grotesque one. John, finding about it, got really excited, of course, because this was the first time he was so close to murdering. As in, what the monster wanted to do.
I already loved the book by this far. It was amazing. More murders kept happening and they were all so intriguing and strange and there was the small taint of mysterious in it. Until in a small little page, BAAM! The story took a turn I was completely unprepared for and definitely ruined the impression I had about it. It was all so good and perfect and then that small little fact changed everything.
SpoilerWhat happened was that the killer is a demon. As in a supernatural, clawed and evil demon. I was expecting a real serial killer, not a supernatural one. I had a whole theory about it, and finding out that it was a demon and not real, REAL thing just really overthrew me.

What was my reaction? I stopped reading. Yep. Stopped.
I had already read there was this point where it could define whether you love it or hate it. But I was EXCITED about it, was looking forward to it. Once I read the small thing, my interest for this book dropped and I just couldn't go on.
Days passed and I just left it there, until (yesterday) I made myself finish it. I tried to concentrate on the excitement I had before the small thing, and it kind of worked. I did finish it.
It is actually a really good book. I contains some phrases and metaphors that I just couldn't help but love. I felt like my emotions where described by what he was saying. He nailed it (not that I have murderous thoughts, but if you look at it in another way, it's amazing).
At the end, the book was really good, but the disappointment I felt once I read the small thing was so big that I can't help but give this book a 3.25 rating. But I think once you get over the initial shock, the book is ok.
The character development was incredible, couldnĀ“t have asked for more. The setting was ok, and the sub plot was really deep and amazing. The main plot is the thing that didn't do it for me.
I'm not sure if I can recommend it to somebody, but if you're the type of people who can get over small facts like that one, then...go ahead, read it!