A review by erindecker
She Walks in Moonlight by Jennifer Silverwood


This second chance story is about a Russian globetrotter – Danica who is called back home to America after 10 years. Ten years ago she ran away from her one and only true love – Adam King. Now her brother is sick with leukemia, the same disease that stole their father away from them when she was ten years old.

Let me be clear – this is one of those books where the story line is well thought out and put on paper that you can sit and read it in one sitting. I loved that about this book. The characters had distinct personalities (thought some were confusing to me… more on that later) and the plot line made sense for the most part. I did have a couple problems with this novel. The first part being that some of the characters had almost personality or feeling flips with no explaination or growth development. One minute furious, mean, ugly and the next kind and laughing. This bothered me a bit. The other part was some major plot holes that were missing in this book. We learn there was an accident and Adam goes to look for Danica when they were 18. Danica then goes to Adam, they both lose their virginity, and she runs away. BUT WHAT HAPPENED? We have no clue what the accident was or why Adam was out looking for Danica when the accident happened. And this accident is what the entire relationship in the book is based off of. There were some other minor plot holes, especially in the last couple chapters when time lapses would happen with no explanation. There were also some minor grammar and spelling mistakes that need to be fixed and would momentarily distract me from the plot of this book. The storyline was so sweet through it made up for some of the errors that I noticed within in the book.

Overall, I liked this book but I didn’t love it. This is definitely an adult romance novel (someone had told me it was YA but I am not sure who it was now??) I would recommend this novel to anyone who loves a quick romance read. I gave this book 3.5/ 5 stars and rounded to 4 stars on Goodreads and Amazon.

**I was send a physical copy of this book for review purposed from the author and Prism Book Tours**