A review by books_over_everything
Night Flower by Kate Elliott


I had the Court of Fives series sitting on my shelf at home for a while and I finally got around to reading the first book this week. If you've followed me for a while, you know I love a good companion novella and I love a villain backstory even more. Ok, Jess's father is not really a villain but he's definitely nobody's favorite. I really liked the idea of seeing a younger version of his character when he was idealistic and in love.

I thought this novella added a richness to the world Kate Elliott created and gave her a great vehicle to share more details about the world building. I also loved seeing a character that I didn't really like in a better light. I think it will help me view him differently in the subsequent sequels.

One thing I didn't love was the ending. If you've read the first book, you know how this story ends but I didn't like the vagueness of Night Flower's ending. I think a more hopeful ending would have been better.

I was already planning to keep reading but this novella sparked interest in a character that I wasn't crazy about. I am now even more excited to read the rest of the series to see how Jess's parent's story unfolds.