A review by bookworm_baggins
Steeped in Stories: Timeless Children's Novels to Refresh Our Tired Souls by Mitali Perkins


This book could not have been more perfect (or perhaps I could not have read it at a more perfect time?). Quite possibly this will be my favorite book of 2021. I am so glad I splurged and bought an expensive copy at an indie bookstore a few months ago, and that I let it sit on my shelf until it felt like the right time to pick it up.

I thought I would like this book, but it ended up filling me with such hope and delight in the nature of story, the interconnectedness of love and forgiveness, of seeing someone fully and flawed, and of pursuing Christ first above all. Not preachy, but truly like sitting down with a friend.

My mind is spinning with possibilities, I must lead a discussion of this book and the books it contains. The world needs to hear these words.