A review by bookbae96
Love Me By Christmas by Jaci Burton


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We'll be in the middle of the holiday season before we know it. Soon enough it will be all hustle and bustle, so making time to read books that remind me of the finer things about this time of year is a must. LOVE ME BY CHRISTMAS by author Jaci Burton is just my second seasonal read this year, and it's a lovely addition to my holiday catalog.

In the five years following the death of Ellie's husband, John, she has come to rely on his brother, Nick, for pretty much everything. Nick completely stepped up to be the man that Ellie needed in her life, being a friend, a co-parent, and a source of support. They've been the best of friends, but, lately, Ellie's feelings towards Nick are different, and she's conflicted. She's grateful for all that Nick has done to give her and her son, Henry, a normal life, but thinking of him as anything more than her brother-in-law is throwing her for a loop. Funny thing, though, because Nick is having some more than brotherly feelings himself, and he's ready to go all in.

I really enjoyed the comfortable relationship between Ellie and Nick, and the life that they'd created, but, while I understood her reservations about taking things to another level, I think that she made it harder than it had to be. They had already been a couple in every way except taking the step to move beyond friendship to something more. Her concern over what other people would think about them acting on their feelings was frustrating, although somewhat understandable, but I have to admit that I was ready to shake some sense into her by the time she figured things out.

LOVE ME BY CHRISTMAS is both sweet and passionate, with just the right amount of heat. Jaci's focus on the importance of family and friendship is perfect for the time of year, and made this a 4-star read that is perfect for those looking for a feel-good story with a HEA.

***ARC generously provided for an honest review.***