A review by lawbooks600
Butterfly Yellow by Thanhhà Lại


Representation: Asian main character
Trigger warnings: Racism

6/10, this was my first historical book (1915 doesn't count since it's a war book) made by a Vietnamese-American author to boot, Thanhhà Lại, so I had high expectations for this and I was honestly quite surprised that I didn't enjoy this due to some issues I've found but I read her other book Inside Out and Back Again since then and would like to read the sequel, where do I begin. It starts off with the main character Hằng leaving Vietnam after the war ended and she arrived in Texas, US ready to start off her new life and that storyline is familiar so I read on to see where it was going. I found her character to be interesting since she speaks English with a Vietnamese accent as can be seen with her dialogue with other characters, speaking of soon she meets a new character called LeeRoy and at first their character dynamic is not the best however they get along towards the end. The plot is kind of slow with nothing much happening in it except those events but there are a few good moments interspersed. Throughout the book Hằng acclimatises to her new life but sometimes I see flashbacks of her back in Vietnam during the war which I liked and the end, let's just say it finishes on a high note.