A review by votesforwomen
Veiled Rose by Anne Elisabeth Stengl


If the theme of Heartless was true love, this one is true beauty.

Still loving it, even on the second time through. <3

On to what may well be my favorite fantasy book ever.

Original Review:

4.5 stars, but I'll round up.
This book was SO GOOD. It took me a little while to get into it, but once I was in, I was hooked and could not escape. It was amazing. I could not stop reading.

Things I liked:
-Rose Red was so wonderful and sweet and the epitome of a strong female character. Her strength was quiet and tranquil, but it was realistic and she was all around amazing. One of my favorite female protagonists :)
-Leonard. I will admit that I didn't like him at all in Heartless, despite knowing that he just made a mistake, because you only saw Una's story in that book and didn't get to know what happened to cause it with Leo. But now that I know.... poor baby. *huggles Leo and covers his ears*
-Daylily. She was so real and amazing.
-The Heartless references. Getting the first half or so of that book from Leo's POV was so great. I loved that part :D
-Beana. I could write an entire review all about her. I jut hope she gets a bigger role in one of the later books :)
-The plot was riveting. And the twist at the end, when we find out why she wears the veil... mind. Blown. I suspected something similar... but it was still a major twist.

Things I didn't Like:
-there wasn't much. I'm shaving off a half star, though, because of the whole allegory thing. In Heartless the allegory was very obvious and made a lot of sense. In Veiled Rose, I was pretty sure it was still allegorical, but I couldn't tell exactly what the allegory meant. But that's my only real complaint!

All in all, a solid 4.5 stars and I'm glad I bought it!